This brief details findings and recommendations from an assessment of how Nebraska and Utah implemented reforms to more effectively respond to violations of supervision.
This brief details findings and recommendations from an assessment of how Nebraska and Utah implemented reforms to more effectively respond to violations of supervision.
This brief details findings and recommendations from an assessment of how Nebraska and Utah implemented reforms to more effectively respond to violations of supervision.
This brief details findings and recommendations from an assessment of how Nebraska and Utah implemented reforms to more effectively respond to violations of supervision.
This brief details findings and recommendations from an assessment of how Nebraska and Utah implemented reforms to more effectively respond to violations of supervision.
This brief details findings and recommendations from an assessment of how Nebraska and Utah implemented reforms to more effectively respond to violations of supervision.
This brief explores how Utah has addressed its Justice Reinvestment goals since enacting Justice Reinvestment Initiative legislation in 2015.
This brief details how JRI has helped a number of states focus prison space on people who have committed serious, violent, or repeat offenses, freeing up resources to invest in recidivism-reduction strategies.
This brief details the results of Utah’s 2015 JRI legislation and how the Crime and Justice Institute helped the state implement its goals.
This report describes how 10 states have strengthened community-based capacity to advance public safety goals as part of their JRI processes.
This brief details findings and recommendations from an assessment of how Nebraska and Utah implemented reforms to more effectively respond to violations of supervision.
This brief describes the implementation phase of JRI and highlights the Crime and Justice Institute’s implementation efforts in a number of states.