Justice Reinvestment Initiative in New Hampshire
This overview outlines a number of criminal justice and behavioral health challenges in New Hampshire and provides a summary of the JRI process.
This overview outlines a number of criminal justice and behavioral health challenges in New Hampshire and provides a summary of the JRI process.
This policy framework outlines policy recommendations developed as part of JRI in Kansas from 2020 to 2022 in collaboration with the Kansas Criminal Justice Reform Commission.
This brief details the results of Utah’s 2015 JRI legislation and how the Crime and Justice Institute helped the state implement its goals.
This policy framework outlines policy recommendations developed as part of a JRI effort in Minnesota from 2021 to 2022.
In 2021 and 2022, the CSG Justice Center analyzed racial equity across Montana’s criminal justice system. This report details findings and recommendations from that effort.
This brief highlights changes in criminal justice trends since the implementation of pandemic-related responses by criminal justice stakeholders in Iowa and describes what the JRI process entails.
This report describes how 10 states have strengthened community-based capacity to advance public safety goals as part of their JRI processes.
This policy framework outlines policy options developed as part of a JRI effort in Vermont in 2019.
This overview outlines a number of criminal justice challenges in Minnesota, presents criminal justice system trends in the state, and provides a summary of the JRI process.
Beginning in 2018, to address significant 10-year growth in its prison population, Nevada participated in JRI. This report includes 12 recommendations stemming from the project.
This brief details findings and recommendations from an assessment of earned discharge policies in Oregon and Missouri to understand their impact on people who are supervised, supervision staff caseloads, and more.
This brief details findings and recommendations from an assessment of how Nebraska and Utah implemented reforms to more effectively respond to violations of supervision.
This brief details findings and recommendations from as assessment of policies reforming probation sentencing in Louisiana and Georgia to understand their impact on people who are supervised and on outcomes.
This brief explores how investing in reentry supports is allowing each parish in Louisiana to expand programming and services that meet the needs of the people returning home to their community.
This brief highlights how JRI has helped community supervision agencies tackle various challenges.